Linux Boot Process:
- Power On your Linux Machine- The system executes BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). BIOS passes the control to MBR.
- MBR (Master Boot Record)- Has a size of less than 512 bytes. MBR can't load the kernel since it is unaware of file system. So. MBR loads and executes GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader).
- GRUB- Is boot loader, there will be multiple kernel images installed on your system, GRUB, shows the available OS images and allows you to choose. GRUB executes the kernel images.
- Kernel- Is the heart of operating system, when kernel is loaded, it configures hardware and memory allocation. Kernel executes the INIT levels.
- INIT- Is the run level program stored in slash etc slash inittab file. There are six run levels,
- Level Zero is Halt or Shutdown the system.
- Level 1- is single user mode.
- Level 2- is Multi user mode.
- Level 3- is Full user mode.
- Level 4- is unsued INIT mode.
- Level 5- is Graphical mode (it is default mode).
- Level 6- is Reboot of the system. Finally INIT executes the Run Level programs and the user can see Login screen on his machine.
Introduction to Linux Shell:
- Layered components in Linux OS
- Hardware Layer (RAM/HDD/CPU etc.)
- Kernel
- Shell uses BASH (Bourne Again Shell)
- Application and Utilities
Linux Hierarchical File System:
- Data files are stored in directories (folders)
- A hierarchical file system is how drives, folders and files are arranged in an operating system.
- Slash/ is also known as root directory.
- /root is the default home directory of the root user.
- /home contains the home directory of all users.
- /boot contains the kernel, which is the core operating system named as vmlinuz.
- /sbin stands for system binary.
- /bin stands for binary.
- /usr is Unix System Resources.
- /var stands for variable.
- /dev stands for device.
- /etc stands for et cetra.
- /opt stands for optional.
- /media is the default mount point for removable media.
Windows Hierarchical File System and comparison with Linux.
- In GUI based Windows operating systems, the expands a drive or folder to see its contents by double-clicking the icon.
- In Non-GUI console like MS-DOS, the drive and director is are listed in text format.
- The image illustrates Windows File System Hierarchy. In the image, the windows directory (Windows/) folder hierarchy that contains the System32, Tasks and Web folders. Each of these folders could have hundreds of their own files, but unless they are opened the files are not displayed.
- Linux is case-sensitive while Windows is not case-sensitive. This means that you could have files named file, File and FILE in the same folder. Each file would have different contents. Linux treates capitalized letters and lower-case letters as different characters.
- Windows uses backslashes (C;:\Users\Name), whereas Linux uses forward slashes (/home/name)
- Windows have Drive letters like C:\, D:\ while Linux has /(slash).
Name of Student: Harsh Tiwari
Faculty Name: Naresh Sir
Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1621
Date: 20-02-2018
Session Name: Basic Linux Commands
Faculty Name: Naresh Sir
Roll No: JK-ENR-SW-1621
Date: 20-02-2018
Session Name: Basic Linux Commands
Summary of learning: Learning about basic commands to operate Linux.